Greetings DataGrabbers,
It’s inevitable that after a big ol’major update, a much smaller one often follows. So here it is…
The site continues to grow strong. We seem to have a solid core of users and followers of The dramatic growth phase is over. The site is stabilizing somewhat. However, the email sign ups and the Forum members is still growing which I’m thrilled with. Our active Forum has over 320 members (at the time of this writing) and growing strong!
I believe a lot in the forum because that is the lifeblood of New data submission, riveting discussions, suggested improvements and general commenting all help to make this site the best that it can be!
Also, remember to continue to comment in external forums that openly attack and its right to exist. We need your voices heard too!
Without further ado, here’s what’s new…
- TPIR lists underwent a major corrections update as well as a regular update with new items added.
- New Family Feud data is flowing in like a river (Thank you forum posters for your submissions! Keep it up!). We have over 1200 entries for Feud and growing.
- Family Feud – Fast Money answer chart has been created and launched. Data is also accumulating fast and is frequently being added to the site.
- In response to increasing questions from confused folks who don’t know how to use the site and/or the lists, I’ve posted some pictures with instructions in the updated FAQ section. Hopefully that helps! If you’re still unclear, post in the Forum or email me and I would be glad to help. But check out the FAQ first.
- The efforts of our volunteer team has been much appreciated. I’m going to give a special shout out to “donkeydef” who’s been instrumental at keeping the forum submissions flowing to maintain super-fast updating. He’s been dutifully crunching, quality-proofing, and combining the newly submitted data received every single day via the forums and his own playing experience. I bow to your greatness. 🙂
- I’m still on the search for another volunteer. I have a lot of family feud data that I haven’t been able to get to that could be cross-referenced and added, but I need someone dedicated who wants to help out… If that sounds like you, email me ([email protected])
Thanks again for everyone’s support and emails. On a personal note, the positive feedback I receive outweighs negative feedback in my inbox by about 3 to 1.
So I thank you all so much and it fuels me knowing that so many appricate what we do and want us to continue! 🙂
Keep Playing. Keep Noting.
Andrew (admin)
Andrew (admin)
[email protected]
Tip Andrew (Admin) with Bitcoin
1 Response
Thanks for making TPIR
amazingly more fun and helping me destress even in more of a fun fashion. People like you are paying it forward. Gina